HERMENEUTIKA TEOLOGI PENTAKOSTA Pentecostal Theology Hermeneutics Section Articles


Jefri Hinna


The term hermeneutic comes from the Greek word hermeneuo, which means to convey (a thought or desire), explain (a speech), and translate (something from one language to another). This word is related to the god Hermes, a god in Greek mythology whose job is to convey the message of the gods to humans as recipients. Hermeneutics has always been used as the science and art of interpreting Scripture. It is important to note that hermeneutics is closely related to biblical studies, such as canon studies, textual criticism, historical criticism, exegesis, biblical theology and systematic theology.


Istilah hermeneutic berasal dari kata Yunani hermeneuo, yang berarti menyampaikan (suatu pikiran atau keinginan), menjelaskan (suatu ucapan), dan menerjemahkan (sesuatu dari satu bahasa ke bahasa yang lain). Kata ini berhubungan dengan Dewa Hermes yaitu dewa dalam mitologi Yunani yang bertugas menyampaikan berita dari para dewa kepada manusia sebagai penerimanya.1  Hermeneutik selalu digunakan sebagai ilmu pengetahuan serta seni dari penafsiran kitab Suci.   Penting untuk diperhatikan bahwa hermeneutik berkaitan erat dengan kajian-kajian alkitabiah, seperti, kajian kanon, kritik teks, kritik historis, eksegesis, teologi alkitabiah serta teologi sistematis.



  1. Anderson, Alland. An Introduction to Pentecostalism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
  2. Anderson, Gordon L. “Pentecost, Scholarship, and Learning in a Postmodern World,” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Volume 27, No 1, Spring 2005.
  3. _________________. “Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Part II,” Paraclate, February 28, 1994, 13-22.
  4. Archer, Kenneth J. “Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Retrospect and Prospect,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 4 no 8 Apr 1996.
  5. _________________. “Pentecostal Story: The Hermeneutical Filter for the Making of Meaning,” The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Volume 26, No. 1, Spring 2004.
  6. _________________. A Pentecostal Hermeneutic for the Twenty-First Century; Spirit, Scripture, and Community. New York, NY: T&T Clark International, 2004.
  7. Arrington, French L. “Feedback: Pentecostal Hermeneutic,” Pneuma. The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 1994, 101-107.
  8. Aust, Carsten. Comparing Pentecostal Hermeneutical Elements to the Anglo-American Evangelical and Postmodern Hermeneutical Tradition of Hans-Georg Gadamer: A Selective Analysis, Thesis. Baguio City, PH: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, August 2008.
  9. Bloch-Hoel, Nils. The Pentecostal Movement: Its Origin, Development, and Distinctive Character. Norway: Scandinavian University Books, 1964.
  10. Cargal, Timothy B. “Beyond the Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy: Pentecostal and Hermeneutics in a Postmodern Age,” The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Vol 15, No 2, Fall 1993, 163187.
  11. Chan, Simon. Pentecostal Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition. Sheffield, EN: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000.
  12. Corrington, Robert S. The Community of Interpreters: on the Hermeneutics of Nature and the Bible in the American Philosophical Tradition. Macon: Mercer University Press, 1987. Crabtree, Charles T. The Pentacostal Priority. US: National Decade of Harvest, 1993.
  13. Davis, John Jafferson. Foundation of Evangelical Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker House, 1984.
  14. Ellington, Scott A. “Pentecostalism and the Authority of Scripture,” Jurnal of Pentecostal Theology, 4 no 9 Oct 1996, 16-38.
  15. Ervin, Howard M. “Hermeneutics: A Pentecostal Option,” Essay on Apostolic Themes: Studies in Honor of Howad M. Ervin Presented to Him by Colleagues and Friends on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday, edited by Paul Elberth. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1985.
  16. Fee, Gordon D. Gospel and Spirit: Issue in New Testament Hermeneutics. Peabody, MA:Hendrickson Publishers, 1994.
  17. Ford, David F. “Holy Spirit and Christian Spirituality,” The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology, edited by Kevin J. Vanhoozer. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  18. Gadamer, Hans-Georg. “Rhetoric, Hermeneutics, and the Critique of Ideology: Metacritical Comments on Truth and Methode,” The Hermeneutics Reader, edited by Kurt Mueller-Vollmer. New York: Continuum, 2000.
  19. Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Truth and Method. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 1982